There was this girl I knew...
She was in much pain and she was dying.
She kept fighting for survival, she endured the pain, but the pain only got worse... Every moment that passed, the pain grew deeper and larger. And at each one of those moments that passed, she hoped the next one would end her pain.
She could feel an Angel there, next to her, just observing her. Waiting...
She asked this Angel, if this was the moment He would offer her The Choice. The choice between Life and Death.
The Angel answered her.
He said she didn't have to keep fighting if she didn't want to anymore. She could just let go and everything would be alright.
The Angel didn't stop there and started to show her what He meant.
He showed her what Death would be like.
As He did so, she could feel the relief of her pain going away. She felt at Home there... Her long lost Home... She missed it.
As she wasn't one to give up on anything, the Angel reassured her that no one would judge her if she decided to let go. He knew exactly how much pain she felt and she didn't have to feel it anymore. She could just let go...
Or she could live.
The Angel didn't explain further. He didn't show her what her life would be like if she decided to keep fighting. He just returned to His silence and waited for her choice.
Thinking back at her short life, she realised she still had a lot to experience in life. She wanted to know what True Love felt like. She had heard so much about it, but never actually felt it. In her short life she had seen much suffering and wrong in the World too, she wanted to help save it any way she could.
She realised, she couldn't die. Not yet.
She had to live.
And so, addressing the Angel, she shouted her answer in her mind with all the strength she had left in her:
I choose to live, Live, LIVE!
And has she finished her inner shout for Life, she reached the surface, the pain was gone and she was alive!
The Angels didn't leave her side. They kept helping her towards Life, they kept helping her survive.
And Life? Her Life became one big lesson about True Love and how the World could be like.
At first, when she got out of the water, she could only see destruction and Death everywhere she would look.
Then, the Angels guiding her, showed her how there was love, selfless love, everywhere she would look too. They showed her Humanity at it's best. The World at it's best.
They showed her how complete strangers, from different ages, nationalities, social status, religions and cultures came together for one purpose. To help each other.
This was Love.
She saw Hope for the World. She had made the right choice afterall... Life in this World was worth all the suffering she had endured (and would still endure in the future).
A World like this, united, was worth fighting for.
This girl, she still lives.
She is still surrounded by Angels who are still teaching her about all types of True Love. She is still fighting. Only this time she fights for a slightly different reason.
She fights for a World she knows humans are capable of building, as she has seen it happen before. She fights for the World she was reborn into, the World that created her as she is today.
She fights for a World of selfless Love.
She cannot do it alone. She may never live long enough to see that World ever again...
However, she can create as many ripples as she can while she lives... Ripples of Love that will grow over time and, perhaps, conquer the World.
As long as she lives, she will continue to have hope that, someday, True Love will prevail.
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