Thursday, 22 December 2011

A letter to a stranger

Did you know you have a 1:7000000000 chance of ever finding your true soul mate? Well, I guess we can narrow it down a bit if we roll out the same sex, children and elderly people (although, a 20-30 year difference isn't going to stop anyone in love...). So let's suppose it's a 1:3000000000 chance. It's still a lot of zeros, right? You have better chances winning the lottery!
But still, we keep looking for that one person, we don't ever give up. We can't help it! Every time we meet a new person we ask ourselves: "Do I feel anything? Could he/she be the one?" We rely on our emotions towards that person, on our intuition, to make sure if that person is the one. Most of the times we know right away that it's not, "it's not the one I'm looking for". Sometimes we think that "he/she could be the one" and we spend a little more time with that someone, until we find out that "I was wrong, it's not who I'm looking for". And we keep on our search.
It could be anyone and he/she could be anywhere! Maybe even on another country, right? It's helpless! A search & rescue team would have given up the search in 3 days, but we keep our whole lives looking for that 1 person.
But what is our criteria? Not too young, not too old? Pleasant to the eye? Not too quiet, not too loud?... What? And what if we are wrong and our soul-mate is nothing how we imagine him/her to be and we're just searching the wrong type of people? Should we just rely on faith then? Hope that the gods will lead us to the right person? And what if they do and we're just too blind to see it? What if there is no one divine guiding us? What if we stay here hoping that he/she will come and he/she never does? What if we're both waiting for the other one to come? What if we're both moving and our paths never cross? What if they do cross, but we're so busy searching, we don't realize he/she is right there? What if our paths never cross again and we lost that one single opportunity?
What if we just simply never meet? It's a big world after all...

You see, I saw you the other day at the library and I asked "how do I feel?" I couldn't get a straight answer. My first thought was "he's so beautiful!" And then because I felt superfluous I looked further and thought you seemed smart and responsible. Then you held the door for me and I noticed that you were nice too.

Can you see how vague this is? How wrong it is for me to show interest in you because of your good looks (although my effort to see beyond that...)? But should I ignore it? I may never find you again. I'm not saying you're the one, I'm far from knowing that. I just got curious..."What if ?" Should I let go this opportunity of finding out? Should I not talk to you because you're too beautiful? That's the same as not talking to someone because they're too ugly!
Besides, I might just find that you're not "the one I'm looking for" or we could end up just being friends or, more possibly, we could just go our own separate ways after you read this awkward letter... Which, by the way, I have no idea why I'm writing. I just felt like it. Could that be a sign from the gods? Or is it my insanity?
Why would you talk to me anyway? I'm not like any sex symbol and although I have been called beautiful, I don't think I'm that special... You don't know me, so why meet me, right?
All I can say in my defense is that if you did choose to meet me, and gave it time, you might find out I'm actually a good person and that I'm absolutely not trying to fool you with some stupid joke. I genuinely just want to know you. I know you can't tell by this letter, but I'm a shy person. I think you should also know that I have never done this before: write to a complete stranger and ask to meet him. It's absolutely crazy! Who would do that? I never thought I would..! What must you be thinking of me? That I'm one of those desperate girls? I probably would think that, if the situation were reverse... But that is so not me! How will I ever prove you that I'm a calm, sincere, kind person if you won't meet me?... If you won't stay for a while and get to know me?...

You see, I don't want to leave it all in faith's hands. I'm never bold, so this is me being bold. And "we all need a little craziness in our lives", so here's a little craziness...

I  hope you won't take this the wrong way and I'm sorry if I have offended you, made you uncomfortable in anyway or made you feel like you wasted your time reading all of this.

The stranger in the library
you might not even remember,


-- This letter was never given to anyone. --

1 comment:

  1. oh my god kiki!
    I just loved!
    you wrote this?
    a sério cada palavra é tão real, cada pergunta.
    "what if?" é mesmo!
