Monday, 25 December 2017

The Celebration of Christ

It's Christmas again.

It took me almost 27 years and a series of life events to make me realize the importance of Christmas and why it is celebrated on this day.

It as nothing to do with Jesus having been born on this day, as now we all know He was not. However, it is a good time to think of Him.

His whole life purpose on this Earth was to show us the way to Light and to make us remember the Light that is God that is inside us and everyone, for we are all connected. We are all children of God and thus His Light lives within us.

However, feeling that light within can be hard at times. Specially when the days are darker. Isn't it a beautiful life metaphor that we celebrate Light on the darkest days of the year, right around Winter's equinoccio? It is no coincidence.

It's when times are darker that seeing the light becomes even more essential to our lives. For millennia we have been making offerings to a God on this day, even before Jesus. Making offering is one of the ways we have to show our appreciation. Those offering are still pretty much the same: food and gifts.

Nowadays however, we give these offerings to each other. It's a way (although not the most important) to show our appreciation and love for each other. It's a way of saying, "the light in me sees the light in you".

Is there a better gift than, when your days get darker (emotionally), to see yourself surrounded by people who see your light? Is there a better gift than to remember that, even on your darkest days, you are light? To know that as you are light, no darkness will ever last?

Christmas is a celebration of Light during the darkest days of the year. Is there a life metaphor more beautiful than that?

The Law Of Attraction tells us to do exactly that... To celebrate what we are wanting even before we see it; to believe it is coming even though nothing indicates it is... Specially when nothing indicates it is... We have been doing that every year, for thousands of years, on this day, since the times when darkness and harsh weather were our biggest adversaries.

Only now most of us call it Christmas.

Happy Light day!
May the Light of your Flame ignite others.
May yours be ignited.

Wish vs Desire

A wish is something you wish upon a star...
A wish is something you pass onto a dandelion and let the wind carry it away...
A wish is something you can let go...

Wishes are what dreams are made of.

A desire however...

A desire is something that grows inside of you...
A desire is something you can't let go... No matter how hard you try...
A desire is strong.

Desires are what reality is made of.
For they control you and guide your life choices.

No matter how hard you have to fight for it, the desire will keep you going, keep you trying until you eventually succeed. A desire is so deeply rooted into who you are that it will become impossible to live without it. A desire you feel with all your senses and all of who you are, mind, body and soul.

While a Wish you know comes from you, a Desire feels like it comes from some place deeper within you. It is yours and yet it is so much more... It is intimately connected to your true identity and, ultimately, your life purpose.

Some people are dreamers, for they dream more than they desire, and that's okay.
Successful people however, though they might dream, desire even more.

Ask yourself, what is it that you desire?